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RS3L AND RS5T ACTION GALORE!!! Leslie Horn Compilation Volume 2!!!
HD: Best of the Leslie RS3L Volume II
CEFX 2813 SD40-2 with Leslie RS3L Train Air Horn CSX Q506 Toledo Subdivision
CN 658 (EJ&E) SD38-2 with great sounding Leslie RS3L horn, Mt. Clemens Sub, Fraser, Michigan
EJ&E RS3L Leslie Supertyfon Train Horn
HiDef: SD40-2 Leslie RS-3L Shave and a Haircut!
Train Horn Compilation Volume 2. Leslie RS3L
Classic Leslie RS3L on BNSF 2856. 9-28-14
Leslie RS3L Vol. 2
A run by of my former Conrail Leslie RS3L train horn. 2-2-2013
Train Simulator 2014: Leslie RS3L #2